Notice: I am not currently taking appointments for consultations in order to focus on course development and teaching activity.

Marc Boney

Whereas Jyotisha is unquestionably a predictive science, I've always taken a counseling approach with clients about their birth charts. This is partially as a result of my background, given my Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology and prior work as a therapist, but it is also my natural inclination. I've always been a person who wants to help. This means that my intention in giving consultations is not only to accurately identify karmic trends and circumstances in a person’s life, but to also try to use this understanding to help guide and encourage a person in their life’s journey. I've always viewed astrology as a powerful tool for self-knowledge and this is how I use it in my consultations. I would go so far as to say that I regard myself as a counselor first and as an astrologer secondarily. I look upon Jyotisha as a wonderful instrument and a sound basis for counseling, because as my teacher would say “How can you do sound counseling if you cannot see the trend?” This can be likened to the astute sailor who as a result of a good understanding of weather patterns and prevailing winds sets his sails and course accordingly.

Types of Consultations

In my experience of doing astrological consults over the past four decades, I've learned that people seek out this experience for a variety of different reasons. Some do so out of general curiosity, while others come with very specific questions or issues in mind. Some would like more of a long-term overview of the major period that they are currently in and what it suggests in terms of trends and themes, whereas others seek a more detailed trend analysis focusing on a specific period such as a year. Those who have become students of Jyotisha have at times sought me out to have a “tutorial” on their charts in order to gain a better understanding of the technical features. These are all good and valid reasons, and the types of consultations listed below are aimed at meeting these varied needs and motivations.

Consultations are available in person, via phone, or preferably over Skype and are digitally recorded for your future reference.

Natal Chart Analysis/Life Reading

This consultation is an over-view of the all the major features of your birth chart and what these suggest regards your karma in this lifetime. It is the recommended starting point for new clients.

1 hr. $195
1.5 hrs. $249

Detailed One-Year Trend Analysis

This consultation focuses on a detailed analysis of a one-year period identifying all the major trends and themes suggested by the operative planetary periods and transits over this 12 month period, as well as suggestions as to how to work with these constructively.

1 hr. $195 for new client
1 hr. $150 for returning client

Special Focus

These sessions are for those who would primarily like insight into specific questions they have or input regards particular issues in their life. Normally three to four of these can be addressed in-depth. Included in this consultation are recommendations for remedial measures that can help.

1 hr. $195 for new client
1 hr. $150 for returning client

Chart Tutorial

This consultation is for students of Jyotisha who would like an in-depth technical discussion of their birth chart. It presumes a basic understanding of the fundamentals of this science.

1 hr. $195
1.5 hrs. $249

Tutoring in Jyotisha

On-going tutoring in all aspects of Parashari and Jaimini systems of Jyotisha is available to students at all levels.

$100 per hour

About My Fees

The fees for service given above are based on what is normative in the U.S. among experienced and knowledgeable practitioners. However, I never refuse services to anyone based on an inability to pay, but practice in what is known in India as the "brahmanical way," which is to say "each according to their own means." If you are sincere and cannot afford the full cost of a consultation, you set the fee based on what you can afford.
