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Intricate Patterns of Destiny


The real secret to making accurate predictions with Jyotish, the ancient astrological science of India, lies in the use of the different vargas, or divisional charts. Without them, as renowned astrologer K.N. Rao once said, “Jyotish becomes something of a crude affair.” With them, it becomes sophisticated, precise, and breathtakingly accurate.

This article, which in manuscript form consists of over 100 pages, outlines a clear, step-by-step process for making accurate predictions regards career, finances, marriage, birth of children and many other important life events using the divisional charts and the Vimshottari dasha of Vedic Astrology. All the learning points and interpretative guidelines are profusely illustrated using the charts of over 50 world famous personalities, as well as those drawn from the author's own case files of successful predictions. Students of all levels will find this book a breath of fresh air and a marvel of clarity in an area too often made obscure and overly-complicated.



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